Gold Danio

Where am I??

New Member
Mar 11, 2006
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Hi, hope someone can help me. I have had a 20 gallon tank for about two years now. When the tank matured and I started adding fish I had two fancy goldfish in there with a school of 5 smaller fish, which I presumed were also coldwater fish as they were with the goldfish. The goldfish have now died and I wanted to add some more smaller fish to the tank. I've been looking at pictures on the internet to see what the small fish I have are and they are identical to gold danio but I thought they were tropical fish? I'm totally confused now as I don't know what to add to the tank, all the small 1.5 to 2" fish I've seen are tropical like barbs and tetras but presumably I can't put these in a coldwater tank. How easy would it be to convert my current tank into a tropical, or are there any hardy tropical that can tolerate cooler water? Sorry if this doesn't make any sense!!!

Thanks Die, do you know of any others that can tolerate cooler water and will get on with the danios?
any danios can i think, tho not sure about the giant ones, white colud mounitan minnows can, and guppys can tho i would not attempt guppys myself.

just look for fish that come from cooler waters eg chinese hill streams where the water can be a lil nippy :S brrrrrrr
Thanks so much for your help, just one last question then I promise I'll leave you alone!! How many more can I add to a 20 gallon tank?
firstly most danios are SUB-TROPICAL fish and not coldwater fish.
I suggest that you google subtropical fish and see what it brings up.

you obviously have no experiance with danios by stating any danio.
if you have no clue then why make blanket statements. :/
Wolf, I didn't say danios were coldwater fish. When I was looking for a school of small fish that would be OK with the goldfish those were what I was recommended, I wasn't told if they were coldwater or tropical fish and they've been in my coldwater tank with no heating for two years almost. What I'm trying to ask is if there are any other subtropical fish that will live peacefully with the danios in cool water, or do I need to convert my tank into a tropical tank?

my reply was correcting diegrinder, not you.
sorry i ignored your question.

as I have said most danios are sub-tropical, as are white cloud mountain minnows, a few barb species and some rasboras.
there are also a few corydoras that like the cooler end of tropical water.
What you really should look at is where danios come from and then match fish from the same area. As your danios are a colour moprph of the zebra which can be found in Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal & Pakistan.
look for fish from those countries too, like loaches, rasboras etc.
Hi Where am I?? :)

What is the actual temperature of your tank? :unsure: Just because you don't have a heater in it doesn't mean it's a "coldwater" tank.

Certain corydoras species are suitable for cooler water too. :D
Hi Inchworm, to be totally honest I don't know what the temperature is, I just assumed it would be a coldwater tank because of the lack of heater :S

As you can see I don't really know a great deal about fish - yet!
...and....if you decide to begin to heat your tank. do it VERY slowly since your fish have been acclimated to cooler temps now for quite some time. If you do increase the temp, I wouldn't raise it more than 1 degree per week. SH
firstly most danios are SUB-TROPICAL fish and not coldwater fish.
I suggest that you google subtropical fish and see what it brings up.

you obviously have no experiance with danios by stating any danio.
if you have no clue then why make blanket statements. :/

all i said is that they (refering to the more common zebra danio) can tolerate cool water, coz they can, and i said that i didnt know about the giants. i have kept danios for years in my cold water tank. just heat it a tad in the winter.

tho you seem to know a hell of a lot about them :p

king danio :D

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