Gold Barb Full Of Eggs ?


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2012
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The past 4 days ive been waching my female gold barb that i think might be full of eggs has been fat for 4 days now and there has been chasing in the tank and pushing the male has a red belly. Is it full of eggs? Ive heard they come out in the morning but nothing has happend how long? Thanks
My gold barb is full of eggs i was wondering how long does it take for it to deposite its eggs because i thought it was early morning but it hasnt happend thanks
My first question is can anybody please post pictures of gold barbs full of eggs.? Thanks
My second question is my gold barb full of eggs? Its fat and has black spots that werent there before the male is chasing the female around.
My last question is what other fish are compatible with gold barb? Thanks.
Female gold barbs will get gravid (full of eggs) when well fed and well cared for when mature. There's nothing to worry about! This is a good thing! Secondly, many fish are compatible with gold barbs. Most fast moving fish without long flowing fins are suitable (tetras, other barbs, etc).

Females full of eggs will have a rounded belly. If the scales start to stick out (called pineconing) then you should start to worry.

Here Is a website with some pictures. The first one is a female full of eggs.

Judy, this would be easily solved if you could post a picture :)¤t=60549e70.jpg&evt=user_media_share. ( female is at the fattest one )

It has been acting strange the male has been chasing it around and yhe male has a red belly.¤t=28575263.jpg&evt=user_media_share
Looks like eggs to me. Nothing to worry about. You can see the lighter coloration on the underside of the belly where it is stretching to accommodate the eggs. The rest of the coloration on the body is fine and the fins look to be normal. She looks to be in good health overall.

The red on the male's belly suggests breeding coloration too.¤t=28575263.jpg&evt=user_media_share¤t=60549e70.jpg&evt=user_media_share

Is it full of eggs?¤t=28575263.jpg&evt=user_media_share¤t=60549e70.jpg&evt=user_media_share

Is it full of eggs?

Could you not have added these photos to an existing thread rather than creating yet another one? With regards to the fish, hard to tell as the photos are poor but they just look like normal to me.
They are egg scatterers so dont expect many if any to survive, they and their other tank mates will eat them before they have a chance.
please stop posting the same topic repeatidly! I have merged several of your threads into this one.

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