ray and oddball keeper !!
hi i bought 2 killifish a few days ago. They are in a tank of their own, the only thing is they are 2 males, as i am interested in breeding them i need some females. They are very nice and have settled in well. Does anybody know where i could get females?
I believe they are aphyosemion australe gold. I have 2 so guess il need about 2 females.
Also would it be possible to keep the different lyretail killis with them, im assuming they are just different color variations of the same species, and species like fundulopanchax gardneri. Would these be ok together?
Any information appreciated!
Oh sorry for the bad pics! They wouldn't stay still!
I believe they are aphyosemion australe gold. I have 2 so guess il need about 2 females.
Also would it be possible to keep the different lyretail killis with them, im assuming they are just different color variations of the same species, and species like fundulopanchax gardneri. Would these be ok together?
Any information appreciated!
Oh sorry for the bad pics! They wouldn't stay still!