Going To Try Breeding My L134's


Dec 16, 2008
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Right guys, just after a few pointers here if possible after I mention what I think Im going to do!

So, I have a elite 60litre tank spare and have a fluval i think u2 (the small underwater filter) which im going to get some sponge and media out one of my externals on my main tank and put in. Then I am going to make a small sponge filter with the air pump I have.

These will both run in the elite tank which I am simply going to decorate with about 4 pieces of slate and 2 slate caves and a terracota pipe.

Ill then add Im thinking either 2 females or 3 and 1 male( of whom I have already picked the biggest male out of my group of 11)

Ill feed them a mixture of frozen brine shrimp and probably blood worm so it sinks and keep on top with regular water changes hopefully getting the little guys to get jiggy!!

I have a 50w heater also to keep the temp right, ill be keeping a close eye on all water params too and probably do 20/30% water changes daily using a small amount of my large tank water(where they are currently kept) and fresh tap water.

The water around my area is superb and I have never had to treat it when doing water changes in my big tank so all should be well although I do have some Prima to which I could possibly add a tiny fraction.

This is going to be my first breeding project and hope all go's well!!!!

and thats me done :D

60l is about 15 US gals and that is way too small for 5 Pekoltia compta. I am not even sure one should try a single pair, but that would be the maximum. You might want to read this article on PlanetCatfish on breeding these plecos http://www.planetcat...koltia+sp.+L134

These fish are your typical Amazon seasonal spawners and the usual means to try to trigger them is the traditional dry/rainy seasons approach. The most important factors in this are the changes in TDS and the barometric pressure change that signals the arrival of rains and then the water temp and pH changes that also occur.

I have had 6 spawns to date from my colony of 11. Unfortunately none have ever made it beyond barely free swimming. I am still trying to get the first successful spawn. I am not discouraged since perhaps the most accomplished pleco breeder I know has also been stymied by these guys. He can breed almost any pleco at will except for them.

ps- I meant to mention one other factoid to consider. My self and a number of other folks who breed plecos were chatting one evening on a pleco site and I asked if anybody besides me had found that their alpha male in a colony was not the biggest male in the tank. I was surprised to fine that almost everybody there said they have noticed the same thing. I only discovered this because the alpha male started to spawn before the biggest male and continued to spawn after the biggest stopped.

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