Going To The Fish Store Tomorow

Bob marley

New Member
Jul 21, 2009
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1 Oscar. 2 Key hole cichlids. 1 Jack Dempsey. 2 Bristlenose catfish. 2 silver sharks. and 1 red tailed shark.

are these fish compatibale??? i have a JD redtailed shark and 1 silver shark JD is round 5 cm im hoping to get other fish round that size thanks. have a 6x2.5x2.5 im getting a 7 or 8 x4x 3. im getting my girlfriends grandad to help me so im getting it for free thanks.
If the BN plecs are full grown, maybe, if not, the Oscar would try to eat them. Silver sharks should be fine, but they need a group of 6 minimum or they are very skittish.

Keholes, definately not, they couldnt withstand the aggression from the Oscar. Providing the RTBS is large enough again should be fine. Dont forget Oscars grow large very quickly and will outgrow everything in the tnak within a few months with good quality feeding and water changes.
Agree with Minx, Keyholes would be Oscar food, as would the bristlenose if they are not full grown and even then they might still be picked on.
Get a few more Silver Sharks instead, In a shoal they really do look good :good:
what id like to buy is fish with colour and fish that can go with oscars and JDs. no convicts firemouths or plecs i cant afford a plec : ( so anything with colour something that doesnt get to big like a oscar just a bit smaller and stuff appreciate it if u could help me out thanks
A group of eartheaters and an acara? If you can find them, guianacara are nice fish.
NO. The keyhole does not stand a chance with the Oscar and JD. That would just be mean to put them together.

What kind of "Shark" ?

The JD oscar and pleco would be fine. Would could get some large schooling fish as dither fish.

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