Going To Go Pressurised With My Co2


Jan 3, 2007
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Hi All

I have had just about of enough of messing about with yeast and changing mixtures what seems like every other day.

So - I am going to treat myself to a pressurised CO2 system.

I am looking at the JBL Proflora CO2 Set Profi 2 at the moment. Does anyone have one of these and if so what are they like.

Any other suggestions would be welcome. Worth nothing that I want to go with an off the shelf package and I dont want to mess about with fire extinguishers

i've not used jbl gear. ive got red sea pro system and i have to say it's brill. you've seriously got to consider a fire extibguisher. £20 on ebay for a 2kg bottle and it'll last months.
i've even got pressurized on my small tank with fire extinguisher. set it up and leave it...hassle free.
I am a terrible worrier - and the thought of bodging together high pressure stuff scares me :)
The fire extinguisher method is very simple. Up and running in 5 minutes. Once you've done one you wont believe how simple it is.
I am also thinking of going to pressurised co2.

Can anyone advise on what pH change I sound expect when I start injecting CO2?


I wouldn't mind so much building a kit from proper parts but dont want to bodge things.

Another worry that I have is this 'co2 dump' business - is there a way to stop this from occurring?

As long as you have a needle valve it should be fine. I had my 2kg FE run out the other day, it just stopped. No dumping or anything.

The FE way is very simple. You just need a regulator with needle valve and the FE itself. Industry standard fitting, all you do is screw it on tight using a spanner (or mole grips in my case). To be honest I imagine you would have to do exactly this with the Profi kit as I can't imagine the regulator being pre-fitted to the cylinder?

The only major difference is that you have to keep the FE lever held open. I use a few tie wraps :)

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