Going to check out plants today


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2003
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Ontario Cananda
Just a quick question. Has anyone had any problems taking their own plant book into an lfs for reference? I want to take my book but I'm afraid that someone will accuse me of stealing the book. I don't have the receipt anymore and I got it from Amazon. Has anyone else had any problems?

Oh and on a side note, I got play sand for my tank, YYYAAAYYYY. Now I have to clean it and put it in. I think I'm going gravel AND sand. I think it will make for an interesting look.

I have worked in many pet/fish stores and quite a few people brought books with them. I do it, myself, all the time. All of my stores kept reference books so people could use them while shopping instead of taking the new books off the self and wearing them down. Consequently, we actually preferred that they bring in their own book: reduced what is often called "shrinkage" that includes shopligiting and breakage/damage.

Another thing I do is show the cashier, and/or anyone at the front of the store, that I am bringing a book in with me. I also let the first person sales person that comes to me know that I have brought in a book.

As an added precaution, I make sure the book has my name in it in several places and, especially with really new books, I have been known to "scuff them up a bit" so they don't look like anything that could have been taken from the the store shelves.

Maybe a bit of overkill, but I have yet to be accused of "lifting" it off a shelf. HTH.
yeah, draw a really intricate picture all over the inside front cover, the type you couldn't possibly have drawn while you were in there.
I to take my book with me when I am buying plants.. And I am not the only one, I have seen lot of ppl with printed pages from the net as wel as book in the store.

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