Going On Holiday


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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I maybe going away for 3 weeks to 1 month, How often can the fish go without feeding. I have two clown fish thanks.
Didn't anyone tell you when you take up marines you sacrifice all 'spare' time to maintenance and holidays.... well forget about them! The clowns rule your life!!

Hope this helps :lol:

lol CF

First thing. Do you have something to take care of top offs? I'm assuming you have lighting on a timer??

Get an auto feeder. Set it to feed a small amount 2x a week. That's plenty. :good:
Didn't anyone tell you when you take up marines you sacrifice all 'spare' time to maintenance and holidays.... well forget about them! The clowns rule your life!!

Hope this helps :lol:

:lol: So true! I am too 'scared' to go on holiday for more than a week at a time as I know I'd be worrying about my tanks all the time :blush:

I started telling the OH I wanted to take my tanks with me when we go off in our little 1960's caravan! The look I got was priceless :hey:
i have someone that can feed once a day if possible when they remember lol
but not someone to fill the top up again.
Get an auto top off system. Mine was around $80 with everything needed and that included shipping. It'll give you a great deal of comfort knowing your fish have water :)

Get a cheaper autofeeder. Don't go to cheap. You don't want to break on you. Set these 2 devices up a while before you go so you can see how they do.

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