Going for Otto's


Apr 22, 2005
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Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK
I've decided my gold nugget and vitattas are too lazy to move off their piece of bogwood to go cleaning the algae in my tank so I've decided to get 2 or 3 otto's. :D

I'm interested in steering clear of run of the mill fish so I'd quite like to get some otto's that are a bit different to the norm - any suggestions? :dunno:

Do Otto's stay out cleaning the tank during the day or are they nocturnal like the pleco's and some catfish?

My Otos clean all day long, but I'm not sure about nightime. I was told to feed them algae waffers at night so my Tiger barbs wouldn't get to them first.
ooo ottos are the greatest! ^_^ hehe i have 2 for my 10 gallon and they rock at cleaning algae! the second i put mine in the tank they FLIPED! and the next day my algae was reduced GREATLY! my ottos swim about daily ^_^ hehe i dont think that they are naturally nocturnal though :D
If you want a slighlty rarer Oto, you could go for a zebra oto (I think the scientific is otocinlus zebra though that may be the most inaccurate statement of my life... -_- )

Just be sure to try and get ones with a fat belly. A thinner belly may show that the oto has had to consume its bacteria in its gut that actually breakdown the algae for it. If so this is likely to be one of those mysterious oto deaths where they just drop.


Hi boxman :)

Otos do a great job of cleaning up algae! They just keep eating and eating and it amazed me when I first put them in my tank.

While there are a number of different kinds of otos, they are not all readily available, and when they are, they are often in poor condition by the time they reach the retail store. Since they are such big eaters, if it has been a long time since they have left their native waters and they have not been fed regularly, they might never recover from their ordeal.

I think you will be happy with any variety you can get as long as you have the opportunity to select fat, healthy looking ones from a tank of equally good looking otos. I would not buy these by mail order unless I was absolutely sure I could trust the seller to make the selection for me. :D
ask the lfs guy how long they've been in the tank. two-three weeks is a good sign that they will live a while. provided they've been fed. On that subject ask the lfs guy what he's been feeding them
I wouldnt bother about feeding them directly, at least not at first. I NEVER feed my 5 otos in my 60Gallon directly, they just scavange on algae and leftover food and are absolutely fine and all fully grown.


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