My Tropical setup is
Tank : Juwel Vision 180
Volume: approx. 180 Litres
Measurements: 92 x 41 x 55 cm
Lighting : 2x25 watt (1x warm, 1x Day)
Filter : All Pond Solutions 1000EF
Power Head : 1200L/H SP1200 (All Pond Solutions)
Medium Planted
Substrate : JBL Aquabasis Plus, Topped with Argos Play Sand
No Co2
4 x Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus)
2 x Cockatoo Apisto (Apistogramma cacatuoides)
2 x Apistogramma borellii (Apistogramma borellii)
10 x Rummynose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri)
4 x Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii)
Elodea Densa
Green Cabomba
Alternanthera Reineckii
Echinodorus bleheri
taxiphllyum alternans (Taiwan Moss)
+ a few others that I still need to get ID on.
When i first cycled my tank, I decided to rush in and buy plants without even knowing much about tropical aquariums let alone a planted tank, and it went terribly bad. Used b&q play sand the first time, no co2, and all i got was BBA. I decided to bin the lot in september and decided plants were not for me.
I have been reading and asking more questions about plants, substrates, lighting, co2 and feel its time to try again and this time do a journal for people to give me some tips and help along the way. I still have not got no co2 but I just ordered brand new light tubes "1x Juwel Day-Lite T8 25W 742mm & 1 x Juwel Warm-Lite T8 25W 742mm". They should be here when the couriers get back to work, hopefully by the end of the week (snows nearly gone here). I went and purchased some Argos play sand, which I have washed tonight and can say it is much much better than the b&q sand I did have before, I also got some JBL Aqaubasis from MA to go on the bottom then going to top it with the argos play sand.
I also bought 4 plants to start me off and I will up some pictures for id later. want to get some xmas moss as well.
So tomorrow is the big day, Get all fish out and put in my spare tank, remove gravel and rocks and fake plants and got to give my back 3d background a good scrub and remove the rest of the BBA, Then get laying the aquabase and sand.
Wish me luck and any help is appreciated very much.
heres the before pictures.... (need to learn to take better pictures indoors.)
you can see all the algae on the background.
Tank : Juwel Vision 180
Volume: approx. 180 Litres
Measurements: 92 x 41 x 55 cm
Lighting : 2x25 watt (1x warm, 1x Day)
Filter : All Pond Solutions 1000EF
Power Head : 1200L/H SP1200 (All Pond Solutions)
Medium Planted
Substrate : JBL Aquabasis Plus, Topped with Argos Play Sand
No Co2
4 x Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus)
2 x Cockatoo Apisto (Apistogramma cacatuoides)
2 x Apistogramma borellii (Apistogramma borellii)
10 x Rummynose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri)
4 x Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii)
Elodea Densa
Green Cabomba
Alternanthera Reineckii
Echinodorus bleheri
taxiphllyum alternans (Taiwan Moss)
+ a few others that I still need to get ID on.
When i first cycled my tank, I decided to rush in and buy plants without even knowing much about tropical aquariums let alone a planted tank, and it went terribly bad. Used b&q play sand the first time, no co2, and all i got was BBA. I decided to bin the lot in september and decided plants were not for me.
I have been reading and asking more questions about plants, substrates, lighting, co2 and feel its time to try again and this time do a journal for people to give me some tips and help along the way. I still have not got no co2 but I just ordered brand new light tubes "1x Juwel Day-Lite T8 25W 742mm & 1 x Juwel Warm-Lite T8 25W 742mm". They should be here when the couriers get back to work, hopefully by the end of the week (snows nearly gone here). I went and purchased some Argos play sand, which I have washed tonight and can say it is much much better than the b&q sand I did have before, I also got some JBL Aqaubasis from MA to go on the bottom then going to top it with the argos play sand.
I also bought 4 plants to start me off and I will up some pictures for id later. want to get some xmas moss as well.
So tomorrow is the big day, Get all fish out and put in my spare tank, remove gravel and rocks and fake plants and got to give my back 3d background a good scrub and remove the rest of the BBA, Then get laying the aquabase and sand.
Wish me luck and any help is appreciated very much.
heres the before pictures.... (need to learn to take better pictures indoors.)
you can see all the algae on the background.