Going Away For 2 Weeks... Do I Need To Feed?


New Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Bangor Northern Ireland
ive had my marine tank set up for several months now, and everything is going good.

I have'nt put in any fish yet as I knew we had a holiday planned and didnt want none dying when we were away

we have a CUC tho in the tank, not much, 10 turbo snails, 3 hermit crabs and 2 cleaner shrimp

my shrimp are fed by hand once a day, and theres enough algae etc in the tank for the snails and crabs

will i need some-one to come in and feed my shrimp? or will they find enough in the tank for 2 weeks?

i can have some-one pop in maybe twice when im away to top up the water with RO water and add abit of food, will that be enough??

the lights will be on a timer, so no problem there...

any advice pls? :good:
Toping off the water will be much more critical than feeding. Obviously will depend on your evaporation rate, but this could be a significant problem. Remember, if your evap rate is fast enough, you can really get your salinity to rise fast and too far. When you do leave, try to do so at a lower sg (say 1.023) so that when evap DOES occur, the shrimp don't get too high... Have your friend stop over prefferably twice a week to check on it, top it off, and give em a pinch of food.

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