Goin Wid Da Flow


Fish Aficionado
Mar 28, 2007
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Well, here are some updated pics of my tank, if you look at my previous tank photos you can tell some of my corals have grown: http://www.fishforums.net/content/forum/21...Were-Wondering/

its been a month and a bit, a few more additions of corals, and my fire shrimp died, so i replaced it with 2 cleaner shrimps, which i regreted on the second day of addition, i cant feed my brain any food now... (long story short)

Encrusting Monti (its not normally on the sandbed, it just fell and im lazy)

Watermelon colored open brain coral, not sure exactly what brain it is though:

Pulsing Xenia, easiest the fastest grower

Torch, i didnt even know this thing grew until i looked at older pics, tentacles are much longer now.

Shrooms, the green enhanced, grew a bit more, but thats about it

Yellow Fiji Leather, ive passed the one month mark without it dying, so, i think i got a good one....

Yellow Watchman Goby

Cleaner Shrimps, hate these guys, but too lazy to sell


Various Zoas and Palys



Some type of xenia or polyp type coral

Some type of sps coral, i found out the name three days ago, forgot the name two days ago

Small new kenya tree frag with a cleaner shrimp trying to take over the world, one camera shot at a time



Hey Musho!

That is too funny about your cleaner shrimp taking over the world!!! :lol:

I am sort of surprised to hear about your green shrooms not growing wildly because I have the exact same and can barely keep up with fragging them off the origonal rock I brought them home on. Although I guess it did take some time before they really took off. Now days I seriously find them in areas which must see very little light, but on one occassion, I found one attached to a submersible pump that is completely hidden by live rock and it was huge! (well, in relation to my others anyways).

I think you might find that the kenya tree grows similarily fast as xenia since I have heard this from others and experience the same in my tank. In fact, mine will often 'let go' of little peices which find there way into other areas of the tank. I seriously think it is trying to take over the world as well since I once found some in my sump!!!! (it was dead though....no light there).

Anyways, great pictures and tank though! If you wouldn't mind, could you shed some light on your pistol shrimp for me? (e.g. what kind, its behavior, etc...) I know of a video on You Tube which explains how a pistol shrimp got its name, but it also showed one stunning the same skunk cleaner shrimp and said they they prey upon them....and never stated if that was only one sort of pistol shrimp or not.

Thats my shrimp, uhh, its a goby pairing shrimp since its alpheus or something, but its from the caribbean, unlike the gobies, so i guess these have low rate chances of pairing.

Anyway, very easy to care for, mine just pushes sand around all day in his little "man cave" where nothing is allowed to enter and is punishable by clicking, i squirt some food down there every once and a while for it to eat. Yes it clicks, no the clicks arent annoying loud or common, i hear about 3-5 clicks a day, and the tank is in my room. It normally clicks with me saying nice shot afterwards for no particular reason.

The clicking is a stunning mechanisms yes, and some pistols can kill and eat ornamental shrimp. But this shrimp is so small, and slow, and near blind compared to the cleaner shrimp. The claw is also very small, and pistols spend most of their time around the sand, unlike cleaners who like to hang off rocks and in my case glass and corals. Its "pistol" is also quite weak, i was lucky enough to see a large amphipod walk up to the pistol and the pistol shoot it, the amphi kinda flopped around and was able to swim away, so if it can barely kill an amphi a few centimeters long, i dont find it a threat tto my cleaners at all.
Wow, never realized that saltwaterfish.com has some in-depth explainations of livestock....most of what I am looking for barely contains the info in the little yellow box. Thanks for the link though.

This is why I always like to ask those who are actually keeping the animal I am curious about. I found that video though, check it out if you like....pretty interesting really, although now, thanks to you, I know better.

But this shrimp is so small, and slow, and near blind compared to the cleaner shrimp.
Don't underestimate him. ;) keep feeding well though and chances of attacking are slim.

Dude those are some insane zoas, and I'm glad to see the yellow sarcophyton is still alive. Might try one myself. Awesome tank altogether. :good:
Well as you can see in that video, the pistol is around the same size as the cleaner, my pistol is like... half the size of my cleaner and never leaves its man cave. (i call it that from an all-tell wireless add) Its good because the cave is covered by the ball of chaeto, so im sure it gets a nice shower of pods every now and then.

The piece of rock with a lot of zoas on it was 20 bucks, the watermellon type colored zoas was... i think 18 dollars, the 3 headed green paly frag was 5 bucks

So... i find some of them good prices. I feed the watermelon colored zoa frozen fish food every once and a while. It growing a few new heads now finally.
i got a clam, a green bubble coral, and a candycane/trumpet today. Im done getting corals now....
I saw the "..." dont do it, resist the evil urges, lol

Looks good. Some of my best pieces are also the ones I was to lazy to get to and ended up becoming one with the tank. ;p
Btw, that's a Plating montipora not an encrusting one. Montipora Capricornis I think :)
Half open bubble (i love it at night with all its tentacles out)


THis spot is only temporary until i get more superglue

Crocea Clam:


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