goin to get a betta


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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:i cant wait i have had the tank set up for ages thinking of what fish to get and i havent had bettas before but now ive got a 5 gal just waiting for him or her im going to petsathome cant wait what should i get a male or female and if i can get a bottom dweller to go in a 5 gal and doesnt need a heater just room temp what shall i get im sooo excited lol :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

some one give me some advice im gonna do some research right this second so if you wouldnt mind giving me help just post somthing i need to know about these lovely fish :D
Your set up would be perfect for either a male of a female.
If the current from your filter is pretty strong, I'd get a female.

You will probably also want to think about getting a heater for the tank too.
Share pics with us of whatever you get! :)
ok but how much would you think the cheapest heater would be for a 5 gal??

can you tell me what they like in there tank and what food i can give them aswell as flakes and i have heard that they jump out of the water for food is that true???

if i can get a pic ill get it on ere as soon as possible :D
Most Bettas don't really like flakes, and won't touch them, but you're welcome to try it.

A number of pelleted foods formulated specifically for Bettas are available, and they are usually taken quite easily (sometimes after several days, because Bettas need some time to settle in before many of them will eat). I personally use HBH Betta Bites. I also use Hikari Betta Bio-Gold. They both work quite readily.

They are carnivores, so you can get any number of frozen things for them to eat, or live things for that matter. Frozen things tend to include bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia, among other things. Sometimes you can get live bloodworms, brine shrimp, or black worms. Depends on the store.

Edit: Almost forgot. Yes, they do jump. For food, for mates, for fun. So lids are an absolute necessity. You can even train them to jump to your fingers for food if you feel so inclined.

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