God Have Plans For Each Species He Created.....

Vin Swords

Aug 11, 2010
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so i was battling black brush algae for some time.. since i have lots of plants, and 3D background with grean algae, 14k lights and no co2.. i know i am fighting a loosing war. then i come a cross this method of overdosing flourish excel. after 3 weeks my plants gone wild and over grown like bush. but BBA is still there. its just not going away.. i was even considering changing the tank... 4 days ago i went to lfs buy some glue for bogwood. LFS man sayed credit card limit is £12, so i have buy somthing for 7 quid... so i endup buying 3 young SAE. even though i dont like them.

4 days on.. half of my BBA is gone.. ( in 5 footer)

god have plans for each species he created...
Don't mean to sound rude but why would you buy 3 fish you don't like?
Don't mean to sound rude but why would you buy 3 fish you don't like?

I had a similar situation.
Man at LFS suggested I go for these to control algae as my Bulldog Plecs were eating my plants too.
Biggest mistake I made.
For starters, I didn't really like them. And secondly, they nibbled a bit at algae, but didn't make a significant impact on it.
So I decided to get rid of them. They were the most difficult fish I have ever tried to catch. Nearly destroyed my planting trying to catch them and totally traumatised all my other fish trying to catch them.
Really regret ever having gotten them in the first place.
I am battling it in my tank as well... I am going to petstock tomorrow to see if they have SAE's.
What started out as a Discus tank now has everything you see in my sig. It's a mixed bag a couple of SAE's won't hurt :p.
They r interesting school of fish.. Always busy munching the bba. Specially from the leaves of the plants..

Totally loving it.
i have a single fully grown one and love her to bits, she tend to hang around with my cories, i would love to get her some friends but i don't have the space currently and my LFS is selling them with CAEs so there cheap, they do look great in a group :good:
I have 2 candy striped plecs in my 3ft tank, and have no algae :)

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