god damn it!!!!


Gettin back into it all after 4 yrs off
Nov 6, 2003
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stoke on trent, midlands, uk
well iv just been havin a nosey at my tank (gettin ready to do a water change) and i see my little crab sittin on top of my bogwood, so im thinkin to myself 'awwwwwww hes eatin the bogwood' then i had a closer look :blink: i thought at first it could have been a bit of cucumber, so i shouts the bf 'oi come ave a look at what its eatin i cant see it' so the bf has a closer look and gasps :eek: 'u dont wanna know' hes sayin to me... so i had a closer look cause i couldnt get it out of him, anyways long story short the crab looks at me as if to say 'evenin, nice scrum u got on ere' whilst waving a clown loaches head about!!!!!! :sick: then to top it off, my big crab comes crawling out from under the rock with the other half :sick:

i feel realy ill, and cant trust my crabs anymore :(

im just wondering if this loach was isck or somthin? i mean they pretty fast movers an for my crab to catch it its gotta be slowish....

iv transfered the other one into my barb tank... dont want it to become a meal :-( was only a baby :(
You learnt the hard way - crabs eat fish

im not a complete dumbass, i know that crabs eat fish, what i didnt know tho that they could catch a none sick fish, my cories an other loaches/fish are healthy an fast enough. the clown must have been ill or how else could the crab have caught it? 'oi mr loach come over ere i got somthin to show yah' :huh:
you want to be mad at those crabs but their only doin' what nature intended :/
their not cold blooded murderers, their just out to get a bite to eat the same way we grab a sandwich
i think it would be easier if the crabs just dod it to be evil :shifty: :devil:
then ya'd have someone to blame! :nod:
Im sorry! :-( I had a crayfish who I kept in my 10 gallon w/bigger fish. I thought all my fish were fast enough to get away from him, then I woke up one morning and found my black moore had been eaten :( I guess I should have known better, since they do eat fish... :/
D'oh! :( My sincerest condolences. Any fish is a tough loss, but particularly a clown loach.

Uncle Pendragon's Free Advice O' The Day:

Never, ever, ever (did I say never?) put something in a tank that will eat it's tankmates, or that can be eaten by it's tankmates - unless that's what you intend. It might not be today, or next week, or three months from now, but eventually, the predator *will* catch them. People think that putting tiny fast fish in a tank with a much bigger fish is fine if "the tiny fish are too fast to be caught". Guess what? Eventually, they'll be sleep when the big fish is not. :/ No fish is sufficiently fast to never get caught in a confined space. It's only a matter of time.

But really, sorry about your loach. :sad:

Yes, is a sorry loss, but I cant help thinking the little fella had to be on his way out.... sick or something.

If you keep the crabs maybe you could drop the occational prawn in to fulfil their meat lust?
Stryker said:
jams.alaskan said:
This is a very sad thing. What will you do with the crabs now?

Would go nice with some salad, the irony would make it extra sweet.
Nice idea, but wouldn't you then be effectively eating the loach!

Sorry to hear of the loss

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