God Bless Garage Sales


Apr 11, 2003
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Northern Illinois, USA
Told hubbie my krib needs a tank for himself and hubbie said "No more tanks! You've got three already!" (That's true, but one is tiny and doesn't count cuz it is temporary). I told him I'd get ten tanks if I wanted to!!! :lol:

I never tell him he can't buy another saw, gosh darn it! :angry:

Anyway, we went garage saling today and he spotted this aquarium. :hyper: He says "it looks pretty big!" :hyper: :hyper: and I thought maybe a 40-gallon but the man said no, a 29 gallon. Good condition, his wife had it up and running two years ago. They wanted $75 for the tank, the hood and light, and this monstrosity of an exterior filter system he said his wife just had to have for water movement or something.

Weeell, I came back a few hours later with $50 and asked if he would sell it for that, because I didn't think I would use that filter and I would need to buy a new one. He said she didn't want to take less than $75, but that she would take $35 for just the tank and the hood. Which is what I wanted, anyway, and I would have paid him $50!!!! Yay! New tank! Hubby carried it to the car. :p

(He sighs with resignation and asks, "where are you going to put it?") :rolleyes:

So Mr. Krib, or Speedy, as my son calls him, will eventually have 30" to zip across instead of a paltry 18". And little Crabby will get her Mangrove Swamp tank, albeit not a big one, 10 gallons.

But first I have to make sure these seals are reliable (should I reapply silicone at all the seams to be safe?) and find something sturdy to put it on, and decide where it is going to "live". Then I can work on setting it up, and cycling it, and finding Speedy a woman . . . :wub:

I hope everyone can tough out their less than ideal situations while I get all the details of their futures worked out!!

Happy, happy, happy. :nod:
Thanks for the good wishes, guys, I am for certain going to check everything out good before I set it up -- don't want any leaks! I have no idea how much the silicone might have dried out in 2 years, but I'm looking into it. So, it's exciting, but it will be a while before stuff is ready. :look:

fishdude, have you tried to find aquariums at garage sales? They are pretty commonly sold that way, usually as a package with all the stuff they bought for it, really cheap (after all the fish die and they give up instead of coming online, like us). :D

I actually bought my ten gallon at a garage sale, too, at least five years ago. The filter was not in working condition, but they gave me a whole box of the filter media, so I bought the same kind they had used.

I think you have to be careful, but it's a great way to get fish stuff cheap. :nod:

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