Goby Identification


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2006
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hey, already posted this but accidently in newcomers forum (the forum listings swapped since last on)
Any Ideas to what they might be? I bought 4 a while ago sold as fresh water black-line desert sand gobies, very cute and active but I can't identify them properly.

I could be just because I'm not fully awake yet
but that looks like some kind of loach to me.
I'm thinking a Nemacheilus of some lind.
Female Stiphodon Gobies, probably atropurpureus.
Stiphodon ornatus for sure.

For sure?

I had some of these gobiews a while back and struggled for a few days to get them ID'd, in the end I had to use a japanese goby website and the gobygroup on yahoo to get a positive ID, and even then it was only really up to group level.
Well, the Aquarium atlas series (number 2 pg 1098) has a photo matching these gobies exactly. "An Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Aquarium Fish" also has a photo of the sp., but it is slightly darker than the other pictures, but could be down to stress.
I kept an unidentified sp. of Stiphodon a year ago or so and a friend keeps another sp. . From what I can see with regards to body shape and activity, they are a Stiphodon sp. .

But, as for sp. , the educated guess would be ornatus, but the genus is so poorly constructed it could be many things.
Cheers guys, Stiphodon atropurpureus ornatus females are the closest from googling the names you gave me but there seems to be a couple of fish labeled under that name, a mottled looking goby and my ones... Juvenile colours? I'm struggling to find much information other than the absolute basics. Could anyone give me any links?

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