

Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2007
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I am looking for a brand of glue i could use for glueing my coral to rocks.
My LFS know nothing of glue for this reason (stupid LFS).
I'm pretty sure any cyanoacrylate glue is suitable. Try searching for cyanoacrylate on the forum and you'll probably find a brand name in the thread too :good:
Yep, cyanoacrylate based glues can work (though I struggled to get it to).. Superglue is the main brand in the UK I think. There's also epoxy-type glues like milliput and reef construct which will do the trick also.
Make sure you get the "gel" type and gob it on there, don't be afraid to use too much. The gel is just easier to work with.
if all you can find is liquid, its fine to use, but like ski said gel is much easier. Ive used liquid before and it didnt work too well but it did work....

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