Glue Gun


Fish Fanatic
Apr 10, 2007
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So I don't have the silicon glue for aquariums right now, but I was wondering if glue gun would be safe to use. Its only a rubber-like plastic, so it should have no problems in water right?
wont hold.

best to go to your LFS and get some aquarium silicon sealant.
If you are not planning on building an aquarium, then hotmelt glue is safe, provided its the standard white sticks - NOTHING for use in bathrooms, or anything that contains "fungicide"

I have built several ornaments using it... no waiting for silicon to "go off" and a damn sight cheaper !
i thought that you were talking about building aquariums. if not just ignore my previous post and go with rooster.
Since its hot glue, I'm assuming it's not safe to boil?
You do say "Aquarium", so, AFishDude is right.
Why not use the stuff intended for an aquarium instead of looking at questionable options? Aquarium silicon is suprisingly safe for aquariums. Your 'off-the-shelf' Do It Yourself silicon, right through to the stuff they use in the trade is bad for fish as it contains a fungicide.
I can find nothing on the internet about bonding glass with glue sticks, let alone building an aquarium.
I can find nothing on the internet about bonding glass with glue sticks, let alone building an aquarium.

He never said he was building an aquarium....
Thats absalutely correct. He does say, however, that he has no silicon for aquariums, but is wondering if a glue gun would be safe. Im my very sheltered world, that suggests to me that he is wondering about building an aquarium.
But, what would I know?
Just to clear things up, I wasn't planning on using glue gun to build an aquarium. It is impossible using a glue gun and I would never run that risk. I was just curious to see if the dried product (after gluing) would be safe to fix some small decor things in my aquarium, hoping that nothing would dissolve into the water and possibly killing my fish.

When I said "silicon glue for aquariums," I meant the ones that are used for aquariums since there is another type used for other purposes. Sorry if this caused some misunderstandings.
No problem. It just goes to show, though, just how things can be mis-interpreted if not all the details are there.

What are you planning on fixing in the aquarium?
I was wondering about a glass shelf near the surface of mine.
Oh it was just a ceramic bridge decor that I accidentally broke in half while scrubbing the algae off of it.

If it's a shelf or some strong supporting structure then I wouldn't reccomend using a glue gun since the glue can be easily peeled off.
my lfs sells aquarium silicon sealant for $1.99 so i wouldn't risk it when its such a easy cheap trip to the lfs. since they don't get my fish buying business, i think they should atleast get some merchandise business, right?

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