glowlight tetras and bettas


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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sadly my new betta, berty has passed on. So I will be getting a new bettas for his tank soon. It is all cycled, and is 5 gallons.

I, am no expert on tetras at all, so I was wondering if it would be okay to keep glowlight teras with a betta in a 5 gallon? I know they are small.

I feel stupid asking this, but I have no tetras knoiwledge really, except to keep them in schools.

Also, I am not sure if it will be a male or female betta that will be bought. I am leaning twords a male at this time, though when I go to the store, they might just have some really nice females.

If the tetras wont be good, what do you recomend? I do have a female betta in myt 55 right now with guppies, 1 plattie, 1 swordtail, a panda corrie and 3 angels. I could move her into the tank though as she gets along quite well with the other fish. Then I wouldnt have to get a new betta, though I would love to.
I would say that the betta plus the tetras in that size tank would be too much fish for the tank to handle. there would be some nipping.

Especially if you tried females. I tried 2 females in a 5G tank and that did NOT work at all. You could maybe try 4 in there, but I'd probably go for the one male, all alone or with something like an african dwarf frog.

And I'm sorry to hear of your loss :(
oh, I wasnt going to put two females in there, just the one and some tank mates.

I dont like the frogs, not an frog fan, lol.

I ddidnt think the tetras would be a good idea. Oh well, Ill try something else then in there.

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