Glowlight Tetra Fin Problems


Fish Fanatic
Apr 28, 2006
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I have 6 Glowlight tetras in a community tank who keep having recurring fin problems, not sure if its fin rot, have treated once and it improved but now its back and more of them are affected. i don't think anyone is nipping them,
I have 2 honey gouramis, 5 five banded barbs, 5 platies and 1 cory (did have 2 but 1 died)
Anyone have any ideas? :S
Need to no size of tank in gallons or litres, can we take a look at your water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph, finrot is bacterial, what med have you been using.
Hi, its a 27.6 gallon tank, I do regular water tests and everything has been fine, no amonia, no nitrite or nitrate, ph from memory was around 7.6 - 8.0. The med was interpet no.8 anti fungus and finrot. My lfs has recommended i try melafix??
You can use melafix, but it's only good if it hasn't progressed, i would rather use the myxazin before it gets worse, good luck.

Watch your fish as you do have some fin nippers there, surprised the gouramis and barbs get along as they are fin nippers.
Just look the barbs up and they say they are peaceful, just keep a look out though for fin nipping.
Thanks, I was told they'd be fine, they all appear to get on ok, to be honest they don't seem interested in other species, they only seem interested in their own kind, that goes for them all really. :)
Ok, thats fine fthen, i would get the myxazin med.
Those barbs are usually peaceful in that big of a group, but watch out, because sometimes they go sour.

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