Glow Light Tetras


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Lincoln, UK
I recently have been discussing with Wilder the appearance of white outlines on the fins of our glow light tetras. For a while now i thought there could be something wrong, an infection or the like but it appears that this is normal and occurs a lot with these tetras. I've scanned the web and quite a few pics show this white outline whilst others do not. I was just wondering if anyone knows why some have these markings and some do not?

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Common and perfectly normal markings. Tends to develop more with age.
Some of mine have it some don't - could it be a difference between the genders?

Here's one with and one without:

Thats exactly what mine look like, some with some without. Glad i'm not the only one, thank you for posting :)

Some of mine have it some don't - could it be a difference between the genders?

Here's one with and one without:

I have 12 glowlights,it appears to me that only the domenate males have these white markings,or atleast the males that are.....ummm...trying to impress and court the females.Could be wrong,but over a year of observeing them this is what it seams to me.
I have the same thing happening on some of my glowlights.
I had some green flame tetra in a different tank, one of them developed white edges on his fins. I read that this appeared only on males. Dunno if it could be the same thing as they both belong to the tetra family??

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