Glossolepis Incisus (red Rainbowfish) Life Span


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Mar 31, 2005
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
I recently lost my 2 Red Rainbowfish :( Admittedly they were probably a bit long in the tooth. I've had them for about 3 years and they were not exactly real youngsters when I bought them.
Does anyone know what their lifespan is ? I've read a few places that it's approx 5 years (which would mean mine probably weren't far off).

But the strange part is one died (no signs of illness at all) and the very next day the other one died. Tank stats are perfect. I'm not over stocked. Nothing out of the ordinary was done or introduced to the tank recently. Their behaviour seemed entirely normal.
My one remaining Boesmani Rainbow (also a fairly old gent) is still perfectly healthy, active etc. as are all my other fish in that tank.

It's just so weird. Any thoughts ?
Their life mainly depends on the temperature you keep them. If they are living with discus at 30 Degrees Plus then I would say their life span is about 3-4 years.. if they are kept at a constant 24 C then probably 6-7 years.. the 5yr is the middle in the wild where temperature fluctuates between 22 and 34 C.

If you had them for 3 years then they probably were 4 yr old (considering they were not young ones).. which is about ok I think. I had my boesiman for about 3.5 yrs and then for no reason it started getting various problems like ulcers and I eventually had to euthanize it.. you are in a much better situation ;)

Mmm yes, they were kept at around 26C, so guess it quite likely that shortened their lifespan. But I do find it very weird that both died within a day of each other :/
They were the best of mates but guess there's no such things as fish-pining..... :lol:

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