Glo T5 Ho Lighting System - Double - 24W

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Fish Crazy
Mar 16, 2006
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England, London - Fish&Chips anyone?
Hi everyone, i haven't posted anything in ages but need a little help now. I just bought a second hand Fluval Osaka 155 Aquarium & Cabinet Set. Here are a few questions:

What bulb from the list below do you think is best for tropical fish (nothing fancy) and real plants?

Power -GLO promotes coral, invertebrate and plant growth. Ideal for marine tanks and African cichlid aquariums. Stimulates growth of macro marine algae and plants.


Life-GLO provides a High-noon spectrum for aquariums, terrariums and vivariums. Illumination reaches deep into the aquarium. Emits a natural white light suitable for all aquariums. Closely simulates mid-day sunlight. Stimulates plants.

or one of each?

I currently have one smashed (Marine-GLO) and a (Power -GLO) and not sure if these bulbs would be suitable for tropical fish.

Kind Regards,

Thuggerz :)
Given only the choices you have listed, I would go more toward the Life-GLO for a spectrum that is similar to noon sun. The coral lamps tend to have a very high temperature spectrum that will promote algae growth more than plant growth. They look whiter to most people so they are popular but are not the best spectrum for fish or plants.
Hi, at the moment i have 1 (Power GLO) with a kalvin rating of 18,000K, would i be able to get away using this bulb rather than 2 (LIFE-GLO) bulbs with a rating of 6,700K and a total rating of 13,400K.

Kind Regards, Richard
The Kelvin rating refers to the temperature an object would need to be to radiate light in the same spectrum as the bulb is doing, it has nothing to do with how bright the bulb is. The 18000K bulb is no brighter than a 6700K bulb, it is a slightly bluer color and will probably work better for a salt water reef type tank than for a planted tank. The 6700K bulb will work better with plants. The temperature ratings are about color and only color, they have nothing to do with light output amounts. An 18000K bulb will look a bit brighter to your eye because the blues always look whiter than the reds and yellows that make up a part of natural light.
You will have about half as much light with that 18000K bulb as you get from the two 6700K bulbs. Each 6700K bulb puts out about the same amount of light as a single 18000K bulb, it is just closer to the color of sunlight than the 18000K.
The Kelvin rating refers to the temperature an object would need to be to radiate light in the same spectrum as the bulb is doing, it has nothing to do with how bright the bulb is. The 18000K bulb is no brighter than a 6700K bulb, it is a slightly bluer color and will probably work better for a salt water reef type tank than for a planted tank. The 6700K bulb will work better with plants. The temperature ratings are about color and only color, they have nothing to do with light output amounts. An 18000K bulb will look a bit brighter to your eye because the blues always look whiter than the reds and yellows that make up a part of natural light.
You will have about half as much light with that 18000K bulb as you get from the two 6700K bulbs. Each 6700K bulb puts out about the same amount of light as a single 18000K bulb, it is just closer to the color of sunlight than the 18000K.

Hi, I'm not sure if i have given enough info about the bulbs, but do you think i could use 1 bulb rather than 2 or do you think its best to use 2, so that i get full benefits? I'm trying to cut costs if possible

Cheers, Richard
I assume the 155 refers to litres of tank capacity. If so, the 48 watts of 6700K light is just enough for low to low/moderate plants. It will work fine for "easy plants" but not be enough light for any of the moderate to high light plants. You could grow plenty of Anubias, Cryptocoryne and java ferns with that light and even get away with things like Vallisneria or Amazon swords.

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