Glo-Lie Tetra Distended Abdomen


New Member
Sep 13, 2011
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Hello out there!!

I have had my 29 gallon up for about 3 months now, its a tank of bloodfin (5), neon(7) and glowlight tetras(5). After working with larger fish for so long, I wanted to try a tank of smaller guys :). The parameters are nitrate 0 ppm, nitrite 0 ppm, hardness 120, Alkalinity 80 ppm and a pH of about 7.4 with good aeration and my filter does about 250gallons an hour. Ive got a few live plants and just a gravel bottom, no plastic decoration, just plants and river rock for hiding.

I have notices that one of my glowlights has bloated up over about 2 days. His abdomen is pretty large and his coloration is suffering from it. I feed flake food once a day. This one glowlight it the only one like this. Normal feces and swims around with the rest of them. i am just curious to what this is.

I also have a 55 gallon with tinfoils and albino tiger barbs where one of the tiger barbs abdomen is quite distended. It has been like that for 3-4 years now. (i don't have this tank with me, i had to temporarily leave it with my parent becasue I moved cross country, thats another issue i will have to deal with, trying to get the to the east coast where i am now :) )

but in general, this distended abdomen, i am just curious to see what every one thinks it

Thanks!! :)
(I cant figure out how to make my picture small enough to upload)
whoops, title was suppose to read... "Glowlight tetra, distended abdomen"

Try not feeding for a day or two and see if it improves. Can you provide a photo?
google Photobucket, this will give you an option to save a link and post it here in the reply box..
I would say that, so long as its scales arent pineconed (search "dropsy") then you most likely have a very gravid female :) carrying eggs, it can always make them look awful and swollen up...

I guess there are chances it might be internal bacteria or tumour but less likely :)
Thanks for the picture advice.

You can see from the picture that the Dorsal fin is tattered, im unsure when this occurred and if it is related to the abdomen.
I couldnt get a picture from the front, that's when you really can see it, but i will keep trying.

From those photos, I think constipated is more likely than egg bound. If it was eggs, the bulge would be further back along the body.
Agreed, it is very far forwards....

Increase the fibre in the diet a bit, more spirulina etc and a bit less protein, get something like Tetra Pro Vegetable or something to supplement food, kinda like giving them All Bran ;)

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