Glo-fish Baby Just Found


New Member
Nov 2, 2007
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Okay i had a pair of neon orange glo-fish in a 15gal and i did notice them breed a while back but never saw any babys from it, so i moved them to a 30 community tank, and i haven't done anything with the 15gal in about a month. Well today i looked and i see one baby orange glo-fish. What should i do? I've never taken care of baby fish before so please any advise would be great.
Basically, feed it either crushed flake, Baby Brine Shrimp( best one, makes them grow like weed's), liquid fry food, or Hikari First Bites. Good Luck. Got any pic's?
I fed my zebra danio fry (glofish are just genetically altered zebra danios) a pinch of hardboiled egg yolk shaken/stirred in a small amount of their aquarium water. Just a drop per feeding for just the one little guy. If he's a little bigger then you can give him crushed flakes or I feed Baby Brine Shrimp and finely ground Hikari Algae wafers. Feed sparingly but often.

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