Glass surfing


New Member
Nov 30, 2020
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Hi there, I've got a small 60l tank with 6 glowlight tetras in it (also a few neocaridina shrimp). For the past half hour, one of the tetras has been glass surfing. The others are totally fine and their normal, chilled out selves. I've checked the water parameters and nothing seems to be amiss. There's nothing different going on in the room (loud noises/movement). It doesn't look to be getting harassed by its tank mates. They're happily bobbing around minding their own business.

It's a fairly naturalistic tank with wood, rocks, hiding places and a fair number of plants so the fish can hide and explore. The fish have been in for nearly 2 months and the tank was set up and cycled for 4 months prior to adding them.

I have only noticed this happening once before. However, I have noticed that quite often 4 or 5 will cluster together while another one is hiding in the undergrowth.

Could I have a situation where one fish just isn't getting on with the rest of the school? Would getting a couple more glowlight tetras help matters? Aware that 6 is a minimum number really, but I didn't want to overcrowd the tank either.
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Fish often have this behaviour, it will pass.
Thanks, that's good to know. I haven't seen it doing it again, so hopefully whatever set it off the other night won't happen again.
I've had a similar issue with my honey gourami. If the problem persists, you could try rearranging the tank to give it something new to explore.
Thanks. Definitely seems to be intermittent, but I'll keep an eye on it. Wish I was better at telling the fish apart in case it seems to be just one that's having problems, which is what I fear. I worry I have an anxious fishy!

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