Glass Shrimp Has Eaten My Tetra!


Fish Crazy
May 8, 2004
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ive had 3 glass shrimp for 4 days and ive just found one of my tetras dead :angry: with its guts eaten out! is this normal for shrimp!? :unsure:

ive had 3 glass shrimp for 4 days and ive just found one of my tetras dead :angry: with its guts eaten out! is this normal for shrimp!? :unsure:

virtually all fish and inverst will munch on the body of a dead fish. it's v likely it died of other causes and then the shrimp ate it
They are opportunistic so if one gets ahold of a fish it will eat it.Its more likely to have died then been eaten as MW says but they can catch and eat small fish.
I agree that the fish was already dead. Glass shrimp are not predators and are not quick enough to catch and hold prey.
I also think the shrimp is most likely scavenging. However, I don't agree that glass shrimp are so harmless. They can be nippy little things and I've seen them pester fish (scarlet badis, black widows) to death, taking little bites of fins here and there until the poor fish dies. Perhaps this depends on exactly which species the 'glass shrimp' is. I'm talking about the ones that float around the tank like daddy longlegs. They're not macrobrachiums but they do have long-ish nasty claws and aren't afraid to use them.
I have witnessed a ghost shrimp catch and begin to eat a healthy baby angelfish(bout 1p sized) so they defo can and will eat fish but its more likely the fish was either dying or already dead.
You might also have mistakenly boughten a Long-Arm Shrimp whcihc are commonely sold as "Ghost Shrimp" or "Freshwater Shrimp". This species of shrimp will grow quite large and predate on your fish.
As RESguy says, Long arm shrimp, which are very aggressive, are sometimes sold as glass shrimp, so it'd be a good idea to check yours

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