Glass Knifeifsh


Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2007
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Smack Dab in the Center of the Good Ol' U.S. of A
Hello, I have recently earned enough money for a 75 gallon (48 x 18 x 17") from GlassCages and I know what I want for stocking, but I'm unsure about one species of fish:
Glass Knifefish, or Eigenmannia virescens. Does anyone know if a tank of above size could house a group of 6 other medium size oddballs (including Senegals, a Black Ghost, and some Lima Cats)?

Yes to keeping them in groups. In fact, they should only be kept in fair sized groups. They're shy when kept alone and don't always do well, but in twos and threes bullying can be a problem. Like a lot of electric fish, they have pecking orders that they squabble over. But they are definitely social fish nonetheless.

No to the tankmates. At best, combine with smallish tetras, such as x-ray tetras or lemon tetras. Something peaceful but not too tiny and definitely not nippy. Corydoras would be ideal, as would kuhli loaches or hatchetfish. But they are easily bullied by anything larger or predatory. Otherwise keep on their own. They only get to 20 cm or so in aquaria, so don't need a massive tank. Even a 40-50 gallon tank would be ample.

Do remember that unlike most other knifefish, this family of knifefish comes from fairly big rivers rather than swamps. This species in particular needs clean water and a decent current, and supplementary oxygen might be useful. Water chemistry isn't critical, but water quality is.

Cheers, Neale
Especially not a black ghost.

The problem with all electric fish is that their electric fields annoy one another. Think of it as being akin to sitting next to someone yelling into their mobile phone. The one fish is trying to communicate with others of its species or hunt for food or whatever, and this other fish is buzzing away and being annoying.

So with rule with electric fish of all types is that unless you know for certain they are compatible, keep them apart.

Cheers, Neale

Not even a Black Ghost?
If by lima cats you mean lima shovelnose, then I wouldn't do them, they would get too big for a 75 in my opinion.
They aren't going in this one, their apparently too aggressive for the Glass Knifes, so they'll go in the bigger tank that's going to be for my other oddballs (my Marbled Sand Goby, who's now close to 10"! He's my biggest fish!, my Senegal, who's about 8", my Raphael, who's about 7", and my Rubber Eel, who's about 13" now.)

Ive got a pair of Eigenmannia virescens in a 20 gall cube and all was well until last weekend, when the slightly larger of the 2 decided the smaller should be even smaller, ive now got them seperated as the smaller has now got no tail at all...its been eaten rite back to....uhm...well substantially.

They are lovely knife fish but tbh boring as hell. Even though they do come out and about they are dull compared to other knife fish...pretty but dull lol
They are lovely knife fish but tbh boring as hell. Even though they do come out and about they are dull compared to other knife fish...pretty but dull lol

Darn, because I like the type of oddballs that are really cool, but pretty interesting.
I suppose I could go with a Black Ghost, instead, I've always wanted one of those, and they're pretty cool.
Dunno, I think about it.

Thanks for all your help!
You likely don't have enough specimens. They're schooling fish, and just like two Corydoras or two neon tetras -- two glass knives won't do much. They need to be in groups of six or more, and kept like that they'll constantly be buzzing about, chasing one another and fighting over their place in the pecking order. No harm is done, and the security of being kept in a group encourages them to swim out and about.

Cheers, Neale

They are lovely knife fish but tbh boring as hell. Even though they do come out and about they are dull compared to other knife fish...pretty but dull lol
You likely don't have enough specimens. They're schooling fish, and just like two Corydoras or two neon tetras -- two glass knives won't do much. They need to be in groups of six or more, and kept like that they'll constantly be buzzing about, chasing one another and fighting over their place in the pecking order. No harm is done, and the security of being kept in a group encourages them to swim out and about.

Cheers, Neale

They are lovely knife fish but tbh boring as hell. Even though they do come out and about they are dull compared to other knife fish...pretty but dull lol

Yer i think that's what it is, but at £22 each when i bought them i didn't want more on the off chance they didn't take, then when the Polypterus started eating their "waggling, wormlike" tails i left it as 2 and moved them to another tank.
They aren't going in this one, their apparently too aggressive for the Glass Knifes, so they'll go in the bigger tank that's going to be for my other oddballs (my Marbled Sand Goby, who's now close to 10"! He's my biggest fish!, my Senegal, who's about 8", my Raphael, who's about 7", and my Rubber Eel, who's about 13" now.)


But isn't that tank going to be a 55gallon...?
The reason I ask is because..
Hey, I have a 55 gallon tank that I will soon be setting up (to move my goby and bichir into), and I was wondering: could a black ghost knifefish be kept in a tank of that size?
Well, yes and no. The tank that the goby will be going into will be anywhere from the 55-75 gallon range, but I'm probably going to split the differences and go with a 65 gallon tank.
The tank that the Glass Knifes will go into will be a 65 gallon, too.

What about Kryptopterus bicirrhis AKA glass catfish. They look really similar.

What about Kryptopterus bicirrhis AKA glass catfish. They look really similar.
Now those are BORING. Even in large groups they don't seem to do much other than hang out. Granted they are at a PetSmart but the cories and clown loaches are happily dancing. Especially the clown's after we get a big shipment of them like the week after our chiller broke and we lost all of them we had( :rip: ).

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