Glass / Ghost shrimp... adding to the tank, as live in feeders???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
anyone tried this, in tanks with a lot of cover??? any unusual issues that may come with bulk glass shrimp??? my experiment with cherry shrimp seem to show that the fish would eat them... using glass shrimp might give them a fighting chance... will they breed in a tropical freshwater tank, or do they require brackish like amano shrimp???
Glass shrimp are generally more skittish and tend to hide more than Cherry Shrimp, that can help them avoid predation a little more.

They complete their entire lifecycle in freshwater, and they breed like Rabbits. Survival rate of shrimplets will depend heavily on the type of fish you have in the tanks.

It would be better to have a dedicated tank where you could breed them, and then from there try to populate the tanks you want.

This way you would have a good fighting chance to introduce them permanently.
I tried it. It ran for a couple of weeks, but they got picked off, even with cover. They breed fast, but the fish are faster. The adults would get demolished during their moults.

When I fished in Florida, a limited sample, I probably caught 5 ghost shrimp in every net full I pulled in while catching Ellasoma, Heterandria, Lucania killies or mollies. I confess, it gave me ideas. They didn't pan out for long.
They breed in freshwater but they have a larval form unlike neocaridina, which these tiny larva need to be fed infusoria like freshly hatched fish fry need to be fed.

They're mega tiny and aren't as "easy" to breed like neocaridina.

Very tiny when first hatched! They float around and aren't free swimming for a couple days, like fish fry.

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