Glass Eels


New Member
Feb 22, 2003
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Hi everyone!
Just found this forum after running a search. Can anyone out there tell me about glass eels? How to care for them, the do's and the dont's? Especially on the subject of food, I've been told to give them blood worms, but how often should I feed them?

From what i remember they reach about 2foot long and like other eels will predate on smaller fish that fit into their mouth.Bloodworm should be ok and you can feed them every evening,better to do this after you've turned the lights out as they are nocturnal,you could also try them on small pieces of earthworm and when they're big enough river shrimp.A sand or fine gravel substrate is required as the fish like to bury themselves by day and when they feel threatened.Hope this is of some help happy fish keeping :)
never come across these before they the same as the commercialy available ones from uk, japan, portugal,australia or a different species of eel! there are a couple of breeding farms int heuk for glass eels( are they a delicacy somewhere)

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