Glass covers for 55 gallon tanks


Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2005
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Illinois, USA
Here's kind of a dumb question... I have a 55 gallon tank that came with two hoods (there's a cross bar over the middle of the tank). I'm in the process of switching over to new plants lights and wanted to use perfecto glass tank covers with the new lights. I figured 2 24" covers would work, but it turns out that they do not quite fit. Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do? I'm wondering if Home Depot cuts/grinds glass and if they could grind a fraction of a centimeter off each glass cover? Any other ideas? Thanks.
I have a broken lid i plan to get cut this weekend actually. My local LFS makes his own tanks, so im gonna just ask him to cut it for me. If you have a tank builder or an lfs that makes custom tanks they should do it for you for a small fee. :)
A hardware store will grind off a glass cover to fit, it is really quite easy, there is a catch though. If the glass has been tempered, you cannot grind or drill it, as it will break. If you are looking for a cheap aquarium cover, and can handle something that is not fancy, a sheet of clear accrylic is the way to go. It is cheap, you can have it cut to whatever size you want, and it is hard to break.
My grandfater cuts my glass lids, however almost all hardware stores will do it for you.

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