Glass Cats


New Member
Feb 1, 2009
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I have read that glass cats are extremely sensitive, I have also looked back at previous topics to see if they answered my questions, but they did not. We have 2 glass cats, we bought them like 3 months ago and gave them vertical plants to hide in, they were happy and bobbed with the water and ate a lot. Today I came home from work and one was dead and the other was stuggling, he will rest on the floor then swim around and then rest, he is breathing heavy and looks very stressed. Any suggestions/experience with this? We did about a 40% water change, added some stress coat, turned the lights off. Since getting the cats I have learned they like larger groups, but our LFS has not had them in stock since. Any wise words?

they can be very susceptible to bacterial and or fungal infections.
does the one that left look like it has white patches of mucus on is body/is the body opaque rather than clear.
or it is clear as it should be?

could you also post your water stats (ammonia, NO2,NO3,temp etc)
they can be very susceptible to bacterial and or fungal infections.
does the one that left look like it has white patches of mucus on is body/is the body opaque rather than clear.

It is white instead of clear, I have a feeling we did not quarantine our new fish long enough and they caught something from our LFS.
*kicks herself in the butt*
sounds like a bacterial problem, very common wit these fish.
treat with a broad range anti-bacterial and you may just save it.
expect the worse though.

sorry that is not what you wanted to hear, all you can do is try.

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