Glass Catfish


New Member
Dec 26, 2004
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Just wondering about this catfish... I have seen that at around 2 1/2inches long, just wondering how much bigger they get, if they need th be in single, in pairs or schools. Also are they agressive at all? And to those who think they will not be ok in a 40 gallon communtity tank, please tell me and i will NOT get them.
Any advice would be appreciated
The glass catfish gets to about 4" maximum, and need to be in schools of at least 3, as they have been known to die from being kept alone. These guys are very peaceful, the only thing they would attack is newborn fish fry, so if you have guppies/mollie/platies and want fry, these guys may not be for you. A 40g tank is a very good size, but what other inhabitants are in there, if i may ask?

I had 3 glass catfish and 2 recently died. Now there is only one left. He seems to "school" with the is weird. I want to get some more but the pet stores around here don't carry any and I don't think they will order any either. :-( But they are very peaceful. I heard their max size was 5" but mine is only about 2 inches.
Hi...I had two glass cats and one died as well and...similarly...there are no more in the area to pair him up with either.They are very peaceful and like moving water...mine hangs out in the outflow of my filter just below the surface. He avoids the crowds, so, I make sure some food hits the reverse stream and goes back to him. He seems to like/prefer dried bloodworms 'tho he will pick at flake. I hope to add a couple more when they are in the area and hope he makes it 'til then. SH
steelhealr said:
Hi...I had two glass cats and one died as well and...similarly...there are no more in the area to pair him up with either.They are very peaceful and like moving water...mine hangs out in the outflow of my filter just below the surface. He avoids the crowds, so, I make sure some food hits the reverse stream and goes back to him. He seems to like/prefer dried bloodworms 'tho he will pick at flake. I hope to add a couple more when they are in the area and hope he makes it 'til then. SH
I don't think my LPS will get any glass catfish in anytime soon. I have only seen about 3 there and I scooped them up when I saw them. :) Then one morning I checked up on my fish and two of the glass catfish were kind of curled and laying on the gravel. I put the opposite side of the net to kind of move the gravel near them to see if they would move...but they were dead.

My orangefin loach gives me heart attacks almost every day. I come home and he lays on his side, barely moving. I don't know whether he is dead or just tricking me again. I suppose that is typical behavior of a loach, expecially clown loaches. My old orangefin loach died though. I only had him for a month and one day he was laying on his side. I didn't really pay any attention to him because he always did this. Then when I checked on them again in about 30 mins he was in the same spot in the same position. I had to flush him on my boyfriend and I's 2cnd year anniversary. :sad:

I heard catfish like daphnia...insect food. :nod: Mine just goes for the flakes though.
I have neons, platies, angles, cories, silver sharks (will go when they get a bit bigger). I figgered that if the platies have babies the others will probably eat them any way.
What are the optimum conditions for them, i had five, but they were like fall leaves--constantly wilting for no good reason. :(
They can be very sensitive, and it is essential that you acclimatise them slowly and that the nitrates in the water remain at below 40ppm. Also when feeding, i use the water current so that the food is moved by it and the catfish's attention is attracted.

Hi sja :)

Glass cats are somewhat delicate and often find it difficult to adjust to their new environment, but once they have, they seem to be no more difficult to keep than other fish.

I had some and would get them again, once my big tank is set back up, if my lfs ever gets them. It seems like there are long periods of time when they are not available. Perhaps it is a seasonal thing, since they are all wild caught.

I found that they picked their area in the plants and rarely strayed from their spot, but I heard other members say they roamed around their tanks. The most interesting thing about them, IMHO, was that after they ate, you could see the color of the food in their stomachs. When they ate blackworms, which they loved, their tummies were bright red.

It seemed that they only ate food that passed directly in front of them, so it's important to watch and be sure that they are getting their share.

Here's a link with more information about these great little fish:
Inchworm said:
It seemed that they only ate food that passed directly in front of them, so it's important to watch and be sure that they are getting their share.
Mine have learned that there is food at the top though :nod:

Yeah mine too, they are a great fish and i love em! Mine eat just about anything, just as long as it passes by their mouths like stealhealr said.

Enjoy ya fish, if you get any...... :( Its a bummer about your lfs
I have 8 glass catfishes and 6 African Glass Catfishes in a 57G tank. They are fun fish to watch and love to huddle together in a group next to the bogwood in the day. In the evening however when i switch to "night light" on the catfish tank, they all come out and play together, swimming up and down the tank, almost looks like they are playing "tag".

The African and Ghost Glass cats all swim together and seem to enjoy each others company.

Very peacful community cat that doesnt get too big and adds a bit of flavour to an ordinary tank.


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