Glass Catfish


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Recently got some glass catfish, the first 3 got two weeks ago and then this week added 3 to make a shoal of 6 in hopes that this is a comfortable number for them. When I had teh three would never see them, now 6 will see odd one or two as they are extremely shy. I have noticed today that one in particular has white patching along his back that was not there beofre and one other I have seen has one white spot. Does this ulitmately mean death? As all the resources I read before getting them said they are almost impossible to treat. Three I have seen are perfectly clear and the sixth unable to see (two refuge in a plant trunk and the others from what I can tell in a flower pot). Any advice on these be appreciated!
Anyone any ideas? The only thing I can think of is to isolate the glasses to a 5g I have to keep close eye on them but I would think this would mean moving all 6 there to keep them comfortable as much as possible.
one of mine got that when i used to keep them and it was dead by the next morning the white slowly spread over its hole body but i dont know how to treat it sorry
Ok as long as I know it is that is fine, leave them there and just check regularly I guess? Or perhaps try the shoal in 5g to watch carefully (thanks for the aid again!)
i would just leave them only one of mine died from it and i just left that and moving it might just stress it out more.
Sorry hun I've no idea.
Could the white be injury maybe?
You just have to be very careful when dosing meds - like corys and fry, dose at half the stated.
The only thing concerned of is that I am sure I may have seen one with a small white opaque patch (they are hard to see not only as see through but also because the main majority of them reside in a flowerpot with plants infront for the purpose!). Thanks will leave them and just do vigilant checks

edit. thanks Justkia, the opaqueness is spread blotchy throughout, unsure if one of the two week ones or recent addition so perhaps shall put it too stress etc and hope pulls through or at least designated on this one
I found Glass Catfish very hard to keep and wouldn't try them again for that reason. Mine developed the white patches you mention and died pretty soon afterwards :sick:
Well the five are doing well, the 6th poorly one is still going strong, I did separate this one in the end to treat lightly with myaxzin, seems quite spritely

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