Glass Catfish


New Member
Mar 29, 2009
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Auckland, New Zealand
I have 1 yoyo loach, 1 baby birstlenose, 1 burneo sucker, honey dwarf gourami, 2 threadfin rainbows (male and female), a balloon sail fin molly and a flame dwarf gourami, what other fish could I possibly add? ( I am after some good comunity fish that won't bite or get aggressive towards each other)... So would I be able to add some to my tank?

so if anyone has any suggestions on what fish to get/what to stay away from it would be appreciated

my tank is 125L
Hi, I have 4 Glass Catfish in with Dwarf Gourami's, Cory's, Striped Raphael Catfish, Common Pleco, and an Albino Bristlenose Pleco with no problems. There also use to be Platies, Swordtails and Mollies in with them and no problems. Glass Cats are very peaceful fish, and finicky eaters. It took mine a good week before they would accept flake food, but once they got hungry enough they ate it! LOL I also feed frozen blood worms and/or frozen brine shrimp once a week. Hope this helps!
if your getting glass cats get at least 6 as ime the bigger the group the happier they are - i have 9
They are out and about all the time but when there was only 4 they hid a lot
now they surface feed and eat anything and everything

It's recommended to get some java fern in your tank for them as a plant they like
glasscatfish are a good fish to have
but mine died :-( but they were quite old

i hear they taste nice

they say in the shade in my experience :good:

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