Glass Catfish

i had 6 glass catfish and 4 ghost shrimp. my glass catfish just spent all their time swimming through the bubble wall they hardly did anything else.

well i only have room for 2 glass catfish and i have 2 shrimps
duno if they live in 2's have you read their profile? what does that say about them?
Really you shouldn't be thinking about if you think they look nice, it's if you can give them the conditions they need, and if you only have space for 2 then they won't feel at home.

Neal :good: :good:

PS - Yes I do know how hard it is to turn down a fish you really like, I had to do it before when I wanted a Black Ghost Knife and a Silver Shark for my 20 Gallon after seeing my brother with them in his 15, but when I done my research I was like, erm no can do! Shame my brother won't do anything about his though...

Neal :good: :good:
any advice on how i can lure them out to play during daylight?

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