Glass catfish with glass catfish?

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Fish Crazy
Aug 10, 2022
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So today at my LFS I noticed some debauwi or African glass catfish (Pareutropius debauwi). They seem like such a interesting fish and they were reasonably priced. I all ready have a group of Asian glass catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhi) and I'm wondering if they are compatible. The tank is a planted fluval Roma 125. The current stocking is;
6 Glass catfish
6 albino bronze Corydoras
4 honey gouramis
1 flash pleco
4 kuhli loaches
And a few endlers
I've had interest in both, but for 2 different tanks, but curious, so I'm following along

Sounds like it's more likely p. Buffei

Either way, it sounds like it appreciates flow, which honey gourami do not, so you might have issue with that aspect. Shoaling fish. Very nice fish though. The flow thing bothers me most with what you already have.

And, a 31"x14" footprint, you've got a good bunch of fish already, so would be really pushing your luck with 6+ fish that reach 3-4 inches each.
Either way, it sounds like it appreciates flow, which honey gourami do not, so you might have issue with that aspect. Shoaling fish. Very nice fish though. The flow thing bothers me most with what you already have.

And, a 31"x14" footprint, you've got a good bunch of fish already, so would be really pushing your luck with 6+ fish that reach 3-4 inches each.
Thank you for the reply. I'm not too concerned with the amount of stocking as most fish occupy a different level of the tank, there is a lot of swim room and I don't plan on getting a many more fish.

I do however see your point with the flow issue. The flow is rather gentle so it probably not the best for them. However in a previous tank I somehow got the filter to give out high flow along the back of the tank whilst having gentle flow along the front. Not sure if I can recreate it though.

I will leave them for now and add them to my long fish wish list.

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