Glass Catfish Problem Part Two


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
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stoke on trent
ok ive taken a photo to the best i can considering they are fast little beggars, i hope this can help someone to diagnose the problem, sand thankyou to everyone who has tried so far, i understand you must need a lot of patience with me.
here is the pics i thought best to add,

ok ive tried to upload but it says the file is too big? i took it on a digital camera and far as i know its jpg, can anyone help? im desperate to fix my fish, other than this can someone check out my webspace theres pictures of the fish there under poorly catfish in the foto album, thankyou, here is the link to my webspace
this is only way i know how to do it, if u copy and paste it to the browser it should take you to my space then look under fotos then poorly catfish thanks again, claire ( it will work ive just tried it,)
Sadly it does and the red spot or patch could be septicemia on top, you will need antibiotic.
Antibiotic out just seen you are from the uk, can you issolate the fish as you will need anti internal bacteria med by interpet, then a anti fungus and finrot med by interpet at half dose, turn temp down and increase aeration, and do some water changes on the main tank for a few days, good luck.

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