Glass catfish dying

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Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2005
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Melbourne, Florida
I just purchased 2 glass cats at the LPS because I've had one for awhile and his other 2 buddies died and the LPS hasn't had them in awhile. I had to special order them and they just got them in today so I bought 2 of them to accompany my lonely glass cat. The guy at the LPS put my glass cats in with the kuhli loach I purhcased and the kuhli loach was super hyper which stressed my cats out a lot. When I got home and examined my glass cats in the light I noticed one was kind of more white than the other. I was worried that he would die so I kept a careful eye on him. Trying to feed him and such. He is now laying on the gravel kind of half-dead. The other two glass cats are just fine. I don't know what to do. =( I am so sad.
He was lying there for about 5 minutes and I assumed he was dead so I tried to scoop him out but as soon as the net touched him, he jumped alive and started swimming around the top. I don't know what to do. :*)
I know that but I am wondering why my other two glass cats are perfectly fine and the other is unhealthy. I believe I received him from the LPS that way because before I even added him into my water, he was kind of a white color behind his head, and I know they turn a white color when they die. I've had my other glass cat for 3-4 months now and he is doing just fine.
Sometimes when you add fish the stress has been to much for them and they die, it's happened to me, if the others are ok if think it's stress due to being moved.
Well the kuhli loach was put in the same bag as the glass catfish by the LPS fish guy. :rolleyes: And the khuli loach was so hyper and swimming and pecking everything! I tried to half-way open the bag so I could get the loach out into a separate one so he wouldn't stress the cats out too much. I ended up opening the bag a little too far and in plopped both of my glass cats without even sitting in the water for more than 5 mins. :no: The sick glass isn't laying on the gravel anymore, but swimming near the top. I really hope he does okay. I've been trying to get him to eat, but he won't. :no:
His he gasping at the top of the tank.
No, he is swimming normally....just at the top. He really doesn't go down to the bottom too often and stays away from the other glass cats, which is weird because they usually stay in groups/schools. The rest of my fish are doing okay, except one of my fish seems to be having fin rot. My orange finned loach was nipping at that fin and now it kind of looks infected and is white. I added some melafix hoping it would get better.
Just keep an eye on the fish, he might not make it, good luck.
Wow I added some melafix this morning and the fin rot seems to have cleared up already! I will finish up the week with melafix just to make sure it stays gone. :nod: As for the sick glass cat, I saw him swimming in the middle and following with the neons. He seems to school with them more than the other glass cats. :dunno: The other glass cat I bought yesterday is in perfect condition and already great friends with the older glass cat. They sit in the log cave and just flow back and forth pretty. :hyper:
Hmm...the glass cat is doing perfectly fine now! It must be a miracle or something. :hyper: He is swimming with the other glass cats and he has even "claimed" a hole in a rock with his other glass cat buddy. :wub: He isn't eating much but he might be eating at night. I add a few blood worms and some flakes for him at night. :nod: I wish I could get some daphnia but I can't find it anywhere. :no: I am so glad that he is doing okay now. I definately thought he wouldn't make it when he was laying on his side on the gravel and breathing heavily. Here is a picture of him. It is a little blurry because my digital camera sucks. :grr:


Gald to hear that, just keep an eye on him.

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