Glass Anemone?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 10, 2004
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Hi guys I have just set-up a nano tanks and have a clear anemone growing on my live rock this is bad right :huh: . if so is it right I just spur it with vinegar?

Many thanks

Ollie :thumbs:

p.s. am I even calling it the right thing :blush:
if it looks lik this. bigger or smaller it doesent matter then yes its a glass anemone. A.K.A aiptesia A.A.K.A PAIN IN THE ARSE.



that was mine when i had one. they are a pain in the arse because they spread like a wild fire all over your tank and they sting the hell out of all your other corals. im not sure about the vinnagar thing that may effect your ph. what your best off doing is going to your local fish store to buy a product called joes juice. this elliminates aiptesia and majano anemones in minites. you get a sort f sirringe and you have to aim the joes juice into the disk of the anemone. it wil explain in the instructions. it is around £10

hope this helps
thats what i had. in a crevise!

i blasted it with vinegar, or lemon juice works, and after 5 days it hasnt reapeared and no new ones have popped up anywhere yet! so im hopping its all good and well.
If you have just one I have often been able to just suck it right off the rock with a syringe.I also agree with black molly and just pick up the juice for future problems.
yeh know lemmon juice works. haha wait till ya hear this. i zapped mine with joes juce and it didnt apear for about 10 days then out of nowere it came out so i got it again an killed it but about another 7 appeared on the rock so i just tossed the rock and fragges the mushrooms on it. :good:

so you never knw if an aiptiesta you blasted realy is dead :fun: :fish:
good luck with killing your anemone thats if you want to some people keep a whole tank of them wich i find rather dull but it can be done
ooo dear it was in a little cave so i hope i nuked it with enough vinegar!

i hope mine dont apear bak many times over ... though knowing my luck they just well might!
haha mine was in a little cravice aswel. just watch closely around the rock but i wouldnt use vinegar. i know lemmon juice works but just to be sure i would buy some joes juice. if it returns multiple times i would probably just throw the rock away because if you disturb them too much the may well repoduce
i had ran out of lemon juice but i heard vinegar is just as good, or any strong acidic liquid.

and i hope it dosnet resort to it it was on my favourate bit of LR :sad:
Hi mine isn't brown same shape only it is completely clear :huh: , it is only about 1cm long.

Any ideas as to what it is, or is it just a baby??


yeh its a baby. just go to your lfs tomorrow to get some joes juice and test ur luck like i did today. where the corals are kept have a look out for pieces of coral that have broen off. then ask the man could you have it. i got a free cluster of polyps today

you dont get if you dont ask ay :fun: d:D :yahoo:
good luck

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