Giving them their veggies.....


Jun 19, 2004
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NW Ontario, Canada
How the heck do you sink a lettuce leaf? :huh: The danged stuff FLOATS! My ottos will never see it up there. Do I put a rock on it or what? Or is there such a thing on the market as heavy lettuce, just like heavy water? :rolleyes: And regarding peel them first? And doesn't that muddy the bleep out of the water? I love giving them variety but not sure how.

SnowyZMom B)
I don't know about the lettuce.But if your fish are anything like mine,the peas won't last long enough to muddy up the water.Pop the skins off and just give it in small amounts until you see how it goes.I had a blast watching my fish go after theirs :p :D

Use some kind of weight or wedge it under a decoration. That's how I feed my snails.
i put the lettuce underneath a big rock, it sorta floats but the snial can attach itself on there.

Never see my otos eating it tho :huh:
they sell veggie clips on suction cups at most lfs. just clip it in and it stays put. my guys like cucumbers better, or zuccini
Yeah my rainbows gobble their veggies, but my angel just turned her nose up at fresh peas. I was really worried about the scraps rotting in the tank. Then I found hbh veggie flake. Its got spinach romain lettuce peas, and all sorts of cool stuff. Its supposed to be a pretty high quality flake, and its easy to feed. They should have it at big als online. I got mine at the big al store.

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