Given A Bristlenose


New Member
Sep 22, 2006
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York, Pa. USA
I was given a young bristlenose by someone who was moving. Do you cook the veggies or feed them raw. Also must they have wood in their tank to chew on? I currently don't have any and really don't want to have to get any but I will if he needs it.
Bogwood aids their digestion. I feed mine sinking pleco algae tablets, cucumber, carrot and they also keep my tank crystal clear from algae.
BN are fine without bogwood ;)

(panaques are different however they need it.)

We feed all out veg raw - unless its especially hard (eg sweet potatoe)
Most plecs (bar the meat eaters) need bogwood to aid their digestion, just because it's not part of their main diet doesn't mean they can do without ;)

I'd put a small bit in behind some other ornament/plant if you dont want to see it, then they've at least got the option ;)
Even if its 4" long x 2" wide. That'll last small Bristlenosers for years.

yep... as they wont eat it....
They may very well graze on the biofilm that builds up on it and / or algae. but the wood itself will remain intact.

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