I'm so upset right now,
For the past four weeks I've been building a tank, buying supplies, doing custom decorations, tonight after a week of testing the tank for leaks.
I fill it up slowly... everything is fine... ok everything is in now... so I add some decloranator and wam everything falls apart. My basement is flooded there is glass everywhere.
Do you have any idea how much it cost to build a real nice custom tank from scratch
I've put so much work into it. There was under the sand LED lighting, handing picked granet stones which are really hard to come by here.
I've never been so depressed in my life.
If my parents found out how much money I put into the tank they would kill me.
The basement floor is covered with sand and water just covered
I'm looking at the 10 gal and thinking maybe that I should just drop the entire thing and give everything to the pet store for free.
I so serious.
It's only a matter of time I figure before I kill all of the fish in my care.
Hell I've had a molly now I've been treating for fin rot for two weeks now.
For the past four weeks I've been building a tank, buying supplies, doing custom decorations, tonight after a week of testing the tank for leaks.
I fill it up slowly... everything is fine... ok everything is in now... so I add some decloranator and wam everything falls apart. My basement is flooded there is glass everywhere.
Do you have any idea how much it cost to build a real nice custom tank from scratch
I've put so much work into it. There was under the sand LED lighting, handing picked granet stones which are really hard to come by here.
I've never been so depressed in my life.
If my parents found out how much money I put into the tank they would kill me.
The basement floor is covered with sand and water just covered
I'm looking at the 10 gal and thinking maybe that I should just drop the entire thing and give everything to the pet store for free.
I so serious.
It's only a matter of time I figure before I kill all of the fish in my care.
Hell I've had a molly now I've been treating for fin rot for two weeks now.