Girl Bettas


Fish Crazy
Apr 18, 2005
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We are setting up a community tank, its just over 30 gallons. We don't have any fish yet and of course I'd like some girl bettas but my hubby does want some other fish as well. Will the girls live happily in a community tank? We would like some corys, possibly tetras but hubby has set his heart on a pair of rams when the tank has matured in a couple of months time. ????
I'm not sure about the rams or the tetras, but the corys *should* be okay, considering you don't get some haggy aggressive girls.

Other options for you could be:
White clouds - I've heard they do very well in female community tanks.
Ghost shrimp and of course you could always toss in some snails :)

I'm sure other folks will have lots of options for you, too, but females can be really nippy little hags. Some of mine are chewing up each others fins right now. uugh!
Females USUALLY only nip at each other. I've had great success with African Dwarf Frogs, Otos, White Clouds, Zebra Danios, Albino Cory Cats, and, strangely enough, Croaking Gouramis...all living at one time or another with my female Bettas. One of my females didn't mind living in a tank of Guppies and Mollies, but one of the Mollies backed her into a corner and nipped at her mercilessly, so I guess that one minded her. The others were just fine with her, though.

The Tetras would probably nip at the females. They're a definite no-no with males, and SOMETIMES they're okay with females. I'm not sure I'd risk it.

I don't know anything at all about Rams.

Cory Cats are great with Bettas, though.

Ghost shrimp frequently get eaten by Bettas. They're considered a delicacy. :)

Snails are usually good, though.
i have a 20 gal long with 7 female bettas, 4 danios and 6 panda cories! all 3 species are happily swimming about and bacically ignoring the others. the most excitement is during feeding time when there is minimal flaring bwtween the girls and lots of jumping to get the food out of my hand!
I have 3 female bettas in a community tank too.
Currently, there is a moonlight gourami, 4 panda cories, 3 guppy fry about 2 and 1/2 months, a bristlenose cat, and a bumblebee goby. I did have a male betta who spawned with one of the girls in the same tank, but I removed him as he was getting too tired trying to defend his nest against all the other fish who were hungry for cavier. I thought that part was unfair on him so I removed him. I know alot of people on this forum thinks I was wrong to let him in there at all, no harm was done to any of my fish and he did a favour to my girl who seemed unable to drop her eggs on her own.

I still have a girl Betta who is bigger than the other girl who isn't getting rid of her eggs yet, and I am very worried about the poor thing. She is going into a tank for breeding to hopefully get things going for her in the wuvmybetta pinned topic like environment, heaters, filters, plants and all with my vt male (not the one in the community).

She'll be heading back into the community tank if she lives (prayers) to drop or give her eggs away.

The fish I have are all peaceful tank mates. I did have tetras but for some reason they died on me recently... my tank had perfect perameters so I am not sure why. Might have been the melafake I added to the water for the girls benefit. When first put in there they nipped each others fins alot. When my male betta got in there they relaxed with each other and were busy either courting him or avoiding his attentions. He didn't endure any nipping by the way. This is an unusual situation and not recommended unless you got alot of time on your hands and a betta boy who is very peaceful. They do exist but you might not find out for some weeks/months - we've had Mr Personality for at least 4 and a half months, so we had him sussed.

So yes, girls can inhabit a community aquarium but be prepared for in house fighting until they sought out their pecking order. Also, you can never be entirely sure about temperment, some fish might be OK some not. Its all about trial and error I'm afraid.

Good luck in your new tank. :D
Thank you for your helpful replies. The fish shop had some beautiful blue girls who were in a tank with platies and labled as being ok for community tanks. I asked and the guy serving said they are usually fine. They were ignoring the platties but there was a bit of nipping between themselves so perhaps if I get 3 they will entertain themselves!
Rams are very peaceful so I understand, it would be more a case of the girls being mean tot he rams. I suppose the only answer is to try it and see - will have to get another tank if it doesn't work. Ha Ha :lol:

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