Gimme' Some Danios! lol


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2004
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can i get some danios in my 30gl.?

i am also thinking about adding some swordtails...ok?

how many?

what kind?

thanks soo much everyone!
i dont get she gunna eat them or play with them? :huh:
she gets along with EVERY fish in the can i?


I'm no expert on catfish either but I belive that all of your
current "small" fish will be eaten by the pictus.
WCMM's Guppies, Danios etc
Pictus cats grow into 6" eating machines, with a big mouth and a big appetite. I used to have guppies with a 3" pictus, and every night one or two dissapeared, and the pictus looked unusually fat :blink:
Look here
ok well i think i will move my pictus :look:
so NOW can i get some danios?

what kind?

how many?

thanks again!
before adding danios you should make you
WCMM happy by getting some more.
WCMM's are, like danios, schooling fish and
need to be in groups of no less than 5.

then and only then would I consider adding danios,
depending on the amount of filtration you have.
if you have a good external filter then you
could add 5 or 6 danios, but I'd steer away from
ZD or LD. dwarf danios or glowlight danios are
slightly smaller than ZD and they do not nip fins.

If you only have am internal filter, I feel that you
would be at you stocking limit after adding the WCMM's

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