gills sticking out help??!~!!!!!!


Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2003
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My bettas gills are sticking out help?! IM GOING TO GIVE A LITTLE SALT BATH AND LOOK FOR SOME MEDICATION. WILL THIS WORK?! he also may have fin rot
Are you sure he's not flaring his gills, like territory guarding?
As for fin rot, bettas are certainly succeptable because of the long fins. It says to treat fin rot, improve water quality and correct any enviromental causes. Remove fish and treat the affected area with a proprietary bactericide (Myxazin) or gentian violet (what's that?). Seek specialist advice in severe cases.

Im getting him a ten gallon tank, can i just get a aquarum and put some gravel and sum plants and not a cover and not get a filter, i heard bettas dont like strong currunt, and they need air on the top.

Thanks for the help. He is alone in his tank so i dont know why he is flaring his gills, theres a tank by him w/ no bettas, maby he sees a revlection?

Thanks again :hyper: :D :p ;) :D :p ;) :alien:
Your guy is probably flareing either at his reflection or even at you. For fin rot I have always had good luck with jungle fungus eliminator, though some will disagree. Just make sure his water is really really clean and after the meds of your choosing you will start to see some regrowth.

As far as the 10 gallon goes, gravel & plants great plan. Don't forget a little cave of some sort so he will have a quiet place( for when he gets tired of you staring at him lol) On the plants if you use fake plants make sure there's no sharp peices that will rip his fin's ( running the plant through panty hose/stockings help's to be sure, if it runs the hose it will damage the fins)

Betta's are jumper's so you really need to make sure you have some type of covering across the tank so he doesn't commit fishy suicide.

If it were me I'd put at least a small filter of some kind in the 10gal. will help with water conditions. I have one of my guys in my 55gal. and he will swim in the current and has never had a problem with it..he actually looks like he's doing fishy waterwork outs lol

Hope this help's some
Good Luck

I really dont think he has fin rot but ive looked closly and i see some black spots on him, i heard if you have clean water it will go away, is this right???? -_- -_- :/ :/ :look: :look: :X :sick: :sad:
With the tank, you do need to have a filter and the cave. But I would get him some live plants. My betta really appreciated the live plants that I gave him and got pretty upset if I would ever take them out. :D I agree on having a top.

The general rule with betta's , well all fish really is clean water.
I know with my betta's they were always healthier the cleaner I kept their tanks. The black spots may clear up with extra clean warm water.. maybe even a bit of aquarium salt. I put a bit in all my betta tank's except the community because of the tetra's.

Hope this helped some
Good Luck

Thank you i know you cant put as much salt w/ bettas as for say guppies put can still put some in, i just got sum salt at wal-mart, :( :sad: :-( Which reminds me when i was there i saw a little kid and his mum getting a few bettas out of tank not in a cup, the walmart guy had one betta in a bag and he was about to put another betta in that same bag!!!!!Well you know what i did I YELLED AT THAT DUMbo(Im blaming walmart not the guy) So he listaned to me thank gosh. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :nod: :nod: :nod: 8) 8) :shifty: :shifty: :sly: :sly: :sly: :sly: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :X

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