gibby gone pale


New Member
Jun 5, 2004
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East Yorkshire, uk
i wasn't told about cycling when i 1st started my tank and bought a gibbyceps pleco in my 1st lot of fish. it seems perfectly healthy up to this day but hase gone a pale brown. i got another one since and that one has staeyed dark coloured. is lightening a sign of ill health or is it a natural occerance?
Now i might be worng on if i am im sure someone will point it out...but some plec's change colors with age/health/spawning or general mood. You said you werent aware of the "cycle". Have you tested your still might be going through a cycle which is stressful on most fish. HIH
i've had fish in my tank for 5 months now and it's been cycled for a while. amonia and nitrite at 0.
my plec mustn't be much older then that with i got it. it was only a baby
One of my plecs does change colour with his mood. When its dinner time he is very deep and dark in colour, but if Im fussing with the tank ( vacuuming,moving stuff around ect.) he goes very pale. He almost blends in with the beige sand.
he seems to be getting darker and more healthy looking now that i've taken the other plec out. must of been feeling threatened. looks like we're both much happier thank for the help. :thumbs:
Just to point out.

11.1 uk gal
3 sunset micky mouse platies
5 red wagtail platies
5 baloon mollies
6 neon tetras
2 gibbyceps plec's
lots of platy fry (mixture of above)
2 molly fry

Are you planning to get a large tank soon??

THose Gibbi can easily reach nearly the length of a normal 10gallon tank!

Not to mention the amount of waste they produce!

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