Giant Green Corries?


Fish Herder
Jul 21, 2006
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My LFS had 2 giant green corries in for $9 a piece.

They were about, i'd say, betta size, with the typical stunted cory shape, except a lot bigger.

What are they?
My LFS had 2 giant green corries in for $9 a piece.

They were about, i'd say, betta size, with the typical stunted cory shape, except a lot bigger.

What are they?

Are you talking about these guys:


You can see the 2 bigger ones are Brochis Splendons or commonly known as "Emerald Green" and you can see the smaller one, which is a bronze c. aeneus, also called a "green" cory.

EDIT: By the way, if they are Brochis Splendons, then the $9 price tag is a bit high. I payed $4.99 a piece for mine and I plan on uping the number of that school very very soon.
yeah. They look a lot like those!

They're the only one's ive seen in my city though, and i go to about 7 diff lfs.... so yeah....
yeah. They look a lot like those!

They're the only one's ive seen in my city though, and i go to about 7 diff lfs.... so yeah....

Well, just some information for you. They get to around 3" and behave much like a cory. They like to be groups of 3+ They eat the same things and will often school with the C. aeneus. They are a great fish and I have enjoyed having them for over a year now. I would also pay $9 a piece for them if I couldnt find them any cheaper.
That sounds great.
Problem is - they only have two in stock, and i've never seen them in stock there before.
They also look full sized, so there's no telling how old they are....

I'll consider them for my 40 though once i get it!
Instead of getting the brochis (which are lovely though), you'll want more of the tetra species you already have and a couple more kuhlies. Like cories and brochis, these fish need to be in groups.

Note, BTW, that a common plec will ultimately out-grow even a 40 gallon. As for the dragon goby - that grows even larger and needs to be researched.
Yesh, the dragon goby grows longer, but is much much slimer and requires less space in total than a pleco.

The pleco is probably going to a LFS next friday to trade in for some tetra. Thanks though.

I think I kind of plan to do like

7x cardinal
7x black neon
7xglow light tetra
5x khuli loach
and let the dragon goby in, and by the time he SHOULD out grow the 40, i'll be able to finally get a bigger tank for him....
1x false flying fox

Then i could have room a plenty for the cories. tis why i was wondering.
Also, dragon gobies apparently typically like the room to strech out, turn, ect, but do not excessivly move and swim around, as they filter the bottom. They are brackish, which is an issue, but he's getting more salt here than he does at my local petsmart >:p
You adding salt to the water for the goby will do no good for the tetras and catfish if you get any. They are from the amazon and not built to take salt like the goby.
I know. That's why i'm only doing 1 TBSP per 5 Gallon. that;s considered treatmeant for them apparently.
And supposed to be good for most of he fish in the tank...

And yes, i do disolve it before adding...

there is no benifit for anything but the goby, and no harm to anything else, and it's not up to "Brackish" at all. Just a smidge.

and when i said he gets MORE salt, I mean at petsmart he got none.
Hi Gankutsuou

The advice jayjay gave you is good. Corys should not live in salted water. Their systems have not adapted to it and once they absorb it through their skin, they have no way to eliminate it. Salt will eventually result in their getting kidney and liver failure and they will die at an early age.

Please do not add any salt to water that corys live in, except for brief periods when it is used for medicinal purposes.
hmmmmm...... So cories go off the list for getting then... unless i wish to keep them in the 10 after the rest make the move to the 40....
Hi Gankutsuou :)

That would be best for them. Of course, a small community of about 6 corys can make a very nice and interesting tank. :nod:

You might like to think about having 3 each of the bronze and albino C. aeneus in such a tank. They are active fish and since they are the same species, if they spawn for you, you have the option of raising the fry. :D
Gank it won't help the other fish though, the plec for one, the tetras any thing not adapted to it, which is mainly SA fish. Prolonged salt will be detremental like Inch said.
yeah. turns out i'm using tonic salt too- and that means it does nothing for anyone....

man what a noob i am... :blush:

I still don;t get why the dragon goby has no problem. Is it low-end brackish? OR is it because no LFS's keep them in brackish?

and thanks for help thus far. :good:

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