Giant Gourami


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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This fish has been at my work for a couple of months now and I have always wanted him, but can't house him long-term... lucky for me, a friend is moving here soon and plans to build a massive tank specifically to house a pair of giant gouramis! I'm babysitting this little guy for him until he moves and gets a tank set up. I'm super happy about this, because not only do I know he's going to a good home, but I can still visit him ^_^

He's about 6" currently


What a little cutie! In a short time he won't be too little though. :lol:

I was wondering about his colour too.... do Giants colours' vary on individual fish (like bettas) or is it just because he is young? All the ones I have seen are a fair bit lighter.
Aww, man, I want him. :( He is such a cutie-pie. :wub:

If you can visit him...can you take pictures and update us? :hyper:
Very nice, always liked giant gourami, if you go to nottingham theres one in the display tank in victoria shopping centre (well there was the last time i looked which was a few months ago i guess) and its HUGE. Wish i had a tank big enough for one of those, one day....i keep telling myself that.
I was wondering about his colour too.... do Giants colours' vary on individual fish (like bettas) or is it just because he is young? All the ones I have seen are a fair bit lighter.
They vary a bit, but I think the difference is that this guy is the red tailed variety. They are actually a different species from the ones you normally see, but very closely related (Osphronemus laticlavius vs. Osphronemus goramy). This is what he'll look like as an adult:

If you can visit him...can you take pictures and update us? :hyper:
Oh heck yeah, you can count on it :D
Sounds like the white variety, vancouver. For some reason it seems like those are easier to find these days than the normal ones -_-
Yep, 2' or so :)
More pics! Look at that face :wub:

Excuse all the crap in the water, I just added old filter media from the 80 gallon to his tank.

Very nice. I have always liked gouramis but never really had a tank set-up for them. I bet the giant gouramis are even better and fun to watch.


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